COVID19 - Response

We note the comments that have been brought to our attention for example, the activity of certain subcontracted workers who attended our site today. We understand they waited together in their own vehicles whilst awaiting delivery of their bitumen to surface parts of roadway.
We find this totally unacceptable and this squad are being spoken to at this moment to explain the importance of social distancing for themselves, their families and the wider community.
AS A COMPANY ... Lagan Homes NI have listened to the advice over the last number of weeks and particularly the statements issued from the Prime Minister last night and by various Ministers since.
Lagan Homes have a responsibility to firstly make our sites as safe and secure as possible. This is NOT a mater of simply locking the fences. Partly completed houses have to be left storm proof, scaffolding and plant left safe and trench work and excavations left safe to avoid filling with water and becoming dangerous. As many of our developments have residents, many of whom will soon have bored children we take this very serious and are grateful to the various workmen who have presented themselves as available to assist. This will not simply be achieved in one day.
We also are faced with the situation where purchasers hoping to complete their new home this week and next are contracted to sell their current homes to other families or have vacated their tenancies. Some are living short term with elderly parents and this is not something anyone can be happy with. We have one couple in their 80’s who simply need to move in. We will try to do everything within our power to have their new homes at least habitable, provided it is safe to do so, to avoid the possibility of any of these families becoming homeless.
We are relying again on our workers and particularly our subcontractors who make themselves available to try and achieve this. All of this can only be done if it is carried out with the appropriate social distancing and amazingly there is clearly some education to do here as there is in the wider society.
THESE ARE EXTRAORDINARY TIMES. Simply locking up and turning away is not the responsible thing to do. We are human, we have families, parents and grandparents. We want to assist those who simply need a home over the coming days and maybe weeks. We need to make the site safe and we need to make sure we place no one in danger in doing so.
We will be pleading with all workers, delivery people and the general public to please heed the advice on social distancing and protecting each other.
Thank you again for your understanding and support in these uncertain times.