5 Tips for Moving Day

Anyone who has moved house before knows that it can be tense. Many say that moving house is one of the most stressful events you go through in life, but with preparation you can reduce the stress.
"True happiness is unpacking your last moving box, and basking in your new place that you call home."
But before you get there we have a few top tips to make the process much less stressful.
We have a list of 5 tips for moving day ...
1. Label Everything
Be there when the packing is conducted as well as when the unpacking begins. This allows you to have every box labelled. A rule of thumb would be to write the name of the room in which the objects in the box belong to as well as what is actually in the box. This one is very important!
2. No Kids or Pets Allowed
Moving day has arrived and you are up at the scrake of dawn. The last thing you need is having to worry about the kids getting tired and grumpy or needing to put them down for a nap. Not to mention pets running around your feet, jumping in an out of boxes. Asking a friend or family to look after them honestly will make moving in a lot less stressful.
3. Floor Plan
Eliminate confusion and save time by drawing out floor plans for each room. This can save you the stress of trying to figure out firstly if the furniture you had will fit and also where you want it placed in each room. Having this all drawn out will even help you to direct the removal men into the right rooms.
4. Parking
No moving in day is complete without those big heavy items. Whether you are having a new sofa or bed delivered or you are bringing your current one from your previous house, it more than likely requires the use of a moving van or truck. This requires a place to park and unload the contents. Seems simple right? Not always the case, for example, if you're moving into a high rise building, then you may need to set up a place ahead of time for the van or truck to park. Or maybe you are moving into a house with on-street parking? You will need to make sure that no one is parked outside your house … which can happen.
5. Snacks
All that heavy lifting and walking in and out of the house carrying boxes works up an appetite. Pack a box with some sandwiches, a flask of tea and coffee and some snacks. This will satisfy your hunger without having to waste time by nipping to the local shop, or cooking something especially when your cutlery and pots are in that box still on the moving van marked KITCHEN.
If you are moving house or still haven't found a place where you can call home. Why not check our range of homes and developments. You might just find it.
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